Originally Posted by indyn
doubt Nissan will be running EPP with only handful left; but marketing seems to be working, definitely saw 3 just today, this morning and in my burb !!!
...but with 2013 stock soon to hit the dealer forecourts, they are going to want to shift all remaining 2012 models ASAP.
Some dealers will tell you there are not many 2012's left in Canada but can you believe them? Wish I had access to their system.
The OP was told by his original dealer that his color was not available but it was (another member saw 3x with that color at his local).

Hopefully he can swap his order and get that color.
My issue is that I want a 2012 (touring, auto, sports pack - ideally black) but am out of the country till Sept/Oct or so. Do I put a deposit down now (and get the employee pricing discount) - on a car I have not seen! - or risk it and wait till I arrive back? Decisions, decisions...
UPDATE: Spoke to some dealers, the employee pricing discount is only available till 3 July (and requires delivery by/on 3 July) so I'm just going to have to risk things and see what deals are available when I get back.