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Old 06-23-2012, 11:26 AM   #30 (permalink)
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Default 6/23 update

Guy's Thanks for all the posts and support.

I posted this thread on several forums. MyG37, G35Driver, The370z & G35NYC I also linked it to their facebook page in the hopes I would get their attention.

Rich txt me at 7am yesterday morning saying to call him we needed to talk about getting my wheels to me yesterday. I figured that I now had their undivided attention....

I called him in the morning and Rich starts to apologize saying he had a bad day and that he wasnt trying to say he was gona sell my wheels only that he was gona refund me for me waiting or some BS like that. It made no sense at all, he was just trying to save face! He then has the nerve to ask me what would make me happy??? Are you kidding me, after all this crap you have the nerve to ask... I tell him I wanted my wheels and would only pay the money I owed him for the shipping labels $130. Only because they fronted it and of course it makes me look good but nothing else. This was at 10am as I was getting a coffee.

He calls me back several times throughout the day asking me to take down the threads and I refuse, I send him links to individual posts go they can grasp the severity of the matter and stress the best thing for both parties is to get this resolved immediately.

I bring up DPE's similar issue recently and what they did to resolve it, and of course thats too much and they arent willing to do that. The $400 it would cost to over night me the wheels is too much! So they would rather these threads keep running smearing their name.. NO PROBLEM!!! I tell Rich fine but I wanted my wheels shipped 2/3 day air yesterday! There is no reason to wait. This was at 12noon

5pm I hear from Rich telling me that he will get my wheels out but I need to pay the $130. I damn near explode!!!!!! They are holding my wheels now for the $130 I offered to pay, talk about putting your foot in your mouth. There is no point yelling anymore, if they wana drag this out thats fine but I will not pay anything unless my wheels are shipped. Or course he says they will ship. But they catch is, they dont take Credit Ccards, nor do they take PayPal anymore. Only BANK WIRE!!! Hmm I wonder why...

Bank Wires dont allow you to dispute and get your money back. Every other source allows customer to have a legal dispute with the company. So this has turned into some really shady sh*t. Just to get it resolved I got to my bank to send the wire, and its $30. I called them back for 45min trying to reach someone and finally Rich calls me back. There is no way im paying $30 to send $130 thats just stupid... He tells me to send a western union in someones name and he'll have them pick it up. WHO? No company account.. He wants it sent in an individuals name! WTF... But when I press him about the tracking info for my wheels he tells me. "Come on bro, im doing the best I can. Its out of my hands! WE HAVE TO CALL A TRUCK AND YOUR WHEELS WILL COME ON A PALATE." HE SAYING THEY WONT SHIP TILL MONDAY AND IF THEY COME ON A PALATE IT WILL BE MORE THAN A WEEK BEFORE I GET THEM.

I told Rich to put his FLAME SUIT ON, because RENNEN INTERNATIONAL is gona get burned this weekend. I will make this the BIGGEST PR NIGHTMARE in their companies history! Even after all of this they still didnt ship my wheels out. How hard is it to Ship them UPS like I did the 1st time. I know they have an account with UPS, they are being cheap. So as a result this thread is going up on STANCENATION and any other forum I can think of.

I will keep you guys up to date on the progress!

Last edited by Chi_g35; 06-23-2012 at 11:46 AM. Reason: edit
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