Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Thanks for the help, you have been repped sir 
hey thanks. GL with your project!
Originally Posted by twinturbonet
I would spend the $90 a wheel and just have a professional paint your wheels (since you have no experience in painting  ). I plasti-dipped my stockers in white and although they came out good, I'm going to remove the dip and have them paint the stocks white next week. They are also doing the NISMO engraving in black/red.
I'm considering asking them to do my stock lug nuts in red as well. I know that continuous removal of the lugs will strip the paint eventually, but I barely remove my lugs for anything so I should be good for a while.
in my area it's 125-150 per wheel to fix and paint. if you're willing to pay that, great.