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Old 06-22-2012, 02:12 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Chi_g35 is on a distinguished road

Chase wire transfers are guaranteed as long as you send it from the branch location and have a confirmation code. I txt Rich again that I wana see the finished product! With all the delays his 1st priority should be finishing my wheels not my $600 payment.
June 1st, my wheels are on the assembly line waiting to be assembled. He stated that my payment might take a day or two to clear and wont ship until it clears. I explain to Rich thats fine I dont mind that but again my payment shouldn't be the concern. He replies that he just doesnt want a delay! (Are you kidding me after all this time...)
June 1st, its evening and no reply.
June 4th, still no reply,
Just 6th, no reply,
June 7th, Rich sends me a pic of all 4 assembled and im ready to make my payment.
June 7th, right after that I get a call that he has good news and bad news. The good news is they are all done, the bad is that they scratched one of the lips and needs to go back out to be re-cleared but it should only take a day.
June 8th, I asked for an update and he says they will be ready to ship on Sat or Monday. I asked for pics once they come back so I can verify they are complete and I can make my payment. I dropped my car off at the body shop on Friday the 8th so they could start to install all of my parts, but had to wait for the wheels before they installed the coils & did the alignment.
June 11th, still no updates they havent come back yet. June 12th, per Rich they should be back the next day.
June 13th, I called Rich a few times and txt asking for updates. He says its on the way back but will need to sit in order to let the wheel breath so the chemicals dont damage the wheel in shipping. June 14th, call and txt Rich with no reply.
June 15th, I call txt Rich with no reply.
June 16th, call Rich & txt him with no reply.
June 18th, still no reply, I call the office and he isnt in.
June 19th, Still no reply and Im getting pissed at this point, I send Rich a formal demand letter for my wheels .
[B]June 20th[B], Ive finally hit tilt and call Rich at the office a few times, each time the receptionist tells me he is extremely busy and on the other line. Finally I call the California office demanding to speak to the owner. I get a call back from a guy who states he had no idea about this and would look into it for me, this was 10am. 1pm and no call so I call them back and end up speaking to Enrique out of the California office. He says he will find my wheels and get me an update, he asked one of the guys and he had remember taking pics around the 1st but no one knew what was going on. 4pm I call him back and he says that they found the wheels, he made the driver go back and get the lip from the painter they had just finished it and my wheels would be assembled in the morning. I thank him and he says he would get my tracking number in the morning. In the midst of all this I get a txt from Rich saying he is back from vacation and I should call him cause my wheels are done. (WTF... you didnt do anything, I called and got an update on things. I had nothing more to say to him! )
June 21th, I followed up with Enrique and he tells me they should ship out by 5pm California time. He sends me pics of the finished product and they wheels boxed up ready to go. Around 7pm I get a txt message saying I owed a balance. I reply that Im not paying a dime. I apologize that he is caught in the middle of this but I refuse to pay anything after all this ridiculous bullsh*t. I dont get a reply as this point so I call into the Cali office and ask to speak to the owner. They put me on hold for a while and ask who I am, they come back to the line and say they are gona conference me with Rich in NY since that is who was handling my order. He gets on the phone and we have it out... I told him I will no be paying anything at all. He has avoided me since June 13th and I am holding him personally accountable. As a company they have royally f*cked this up and I am not happy. They are going to have to absorb the costs, I will not be paying anything. We go back and forth for a few minutes and I hold firm. RICH THEN TELLS ME THAT IF HE DID ME A FAVOR AND HE DIDNT HAVE TO DO THAT. What favor? Again I refuse to pay anything. I expect some sort of compensation as any customer in my position would. If he continues to push me that I will post a thread on every forum they advertise on and it will turn into a PR nightmare for them. RICH TELLS ME THAT HE WILL JUST KEEP MY WHEELS AND SELL THEM TO SOMEONE ELSE, THAT SOMEONE WOULD BE HAPPY TO BUY MY WHEELS. Oh really your gona sell my wheels that I paid for over 18 months ago. I tell him at that point THIS IS THEFT & FRAUD and I will see him on the forums and hang up. I send him and Enrique both a txt with a formal demand to return my property. That I consider this Fraud and selling of my property is THEFT. I also email Rich and Final demand letter, requesting my wheels be returned immediately.

After all of this bullsh*t they are essentially arguing with me over $500 but I refuse to budge, its the principle of it all. Rennen International is a shady company and this is not something I would wish on my worst enemy. I cant stand these companies who dont hold their employee's accountable.

The fact that RICHARD SHA the general manager at Rennen International would state he was going to keep my wheels that I paid for in full up front 18 months ago and sell them to someone else is inexcusable. It is FRAUD to have my send my wheels in for warranty work and then you keep my property & it is THEFT. Not to mention the SELLING OF STOLEN PROPERTY!!!

As you can see below I have uploaded every txt message I have had with Richard Sha since the beginning of March. I can valid every point Ive made. I am calling out Richard Sha to come on this forum and defend himself & Rennen International.

One other person has been keeping tabs on this entire ordeal since they day I shipped them out and he is another forum member on here. I have reached out to Chi-City-G to make a post with an honest opinion seeing as he was one of the guys who was interested in purchasing wheels from Rennen but was waiting to see how this all turned out.

I will be posting this identical thread on every forum that RENNEN INTERNATIONAL advertises on.

G37, G35, G35NYC, BMW, BENZ, CAMERO, CTS & Many More!

If any of you would like to contact Richard Sha feel free.


I will be emailing him this thread & every other thread that I post! I look forward to Rennen coming on here and explaining themselves on a public forum.

( All of the pictures are in order of dates, PLEASE READ THEM ALL AS THEY LINE UP DIRECTLY WITH EVERYTHING I HAVE SAID. ) Unfortunately my iPhone was stolen a week ago, I wasnt gona restore it but needed to in order to get this evidence. I lost our most recent txt messages from the last 2 weeks but I believe this should be proof enough.
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