Okay, lets do a little math, and here are the particulars. Miles driven is 10,000 miles a year. 370Z averages 20 miles a gallon (city/hwy) = 500 gallons a year. Boxster averages 25 miles a gallon (city/hwy) = 400 gallons a year.
Let's say a gallon of gas costs $4. 370Z, $4 X 500 = $2,000 a year. Boxster, $4 X 400 = $1,600 a year. In a Boxster, you save $400 a year in fuel.
To make up the $20,000 purchase price difference.......it would take 50 years in simple math!!!
But being that we're not simple people, let's take that $20,000 that was saved due to buying the 370Z and we put it in an investment that earns 4% interest. We would make $800 annually. Not sure about the gas mileage.....but the Greenbacks mileage sure goes a longer way with the Z!!!
Plus the Boxster spanking the Z in just about every way
