Originally Posted by wstar
Radio? Our cars have radios?  (Mine's long gone).
Related to the hand-position stuff though, I do wish someone would release a simple wiring harness to switch the Up/Down direction on the 7AT's shifter, it's backwards from how it should be. Someone linked an upcoming Mine's product, but no release yet AFAIK and probably $500 for a short piece of wire knowing Mine's.
Also some simple mechanical lockout to help keep it over in the M-mode slot (it's really easy to accidentally push the stick back over to neutral when pushing in the forward direction).
LIAR!!! Lol, if you drive a sequential gearboxed car, yeah, I guess you're right, BUY a BMW
But I think logically the way it is now feels more correct for most people...
When I get into my BMW I want to kill someone... It feels assbackwards every time