I believe all Canadian models come with the block heater.
The cord is unobtrusive so why would you want to go through the trouble to remove it? On my '09 Z I didn't even know it was there until someone said it came with a block heater.
It may be attached to a freeze plug which is pressed into the block. Then it would be a pita to get it out.
If using synthetic oil, a block heater becomes less useful as the oil won't be as thick at colder temperatures as dino oil would be. But getting down to -40 it would have its benefits especially at reducing cold start wear with little lubrication.
"America.... still builds rockets!"
Vette: 355 cid, 400 rwhp
'13 CTS-V Coupe: 6.2L LSA, 556HP
Last edited by IDZRVIT; 06-20-2012 at 09:33 AM.