Originally Posted by Baer383
I'm really glad you guys are do good with this,the guys on the other thread should be reading this.
Me and Dai talked about this for a while plus I checked the wiring diagrams and I knew this would work mainly b/c of the ECU's ability to learn and adjust as it sees fit.
There's no way the ecu is "learning" here.
Originally Posted by Baer383
And you have read the wiring diagrams,talk to techs, and determined on your own that the ECU can't relearn,
I doubt Nissan invested the man-hours necessary to adapt to things like this when something like an automatic timeout would do (which is already a native function in CANBUS)
Even just having a flipped bit for "check steering lock y/n" makes no sense, and certaint doesn't appear to be there.
Also worth keeping in mind that the "learning" being referred to is a very loose use of the term.
When it "learns" to set fuel trims, it's just looking up values in a table...you'd need to have predefined behaviors for "steering lock removed" that are stored in nonvolatile memory...and then account for what happens if it is reinstalled. Checking every time it is started accounts for that.
The ecu doesn't actually do any learning, which is an important distinction.
Originally Posted by Baer383
Why don't you try to reset your ECU disconnect the - of the battery then hold the horn and the brake pedal down to drain the rest of the remaining volts reconnect and it will relearn as you drive,idle,etc..
Oh, you're talking about
draining volts? I see now.