Originally Posted by shadoquad
All I can say is, while your intent is in the right place, you don't know me and are presuming a lot which is inaccurate.
If you got to know me, walked a mile in my shoes, you might understand.
Also, it is a fact that women don't like working out around men as much. This is why female-only gyms are very popular, and male-only gyms close within weeks. Some women go to the gym to work out and not get hit on all the time.
Sorry bro, I wasn't trying to put you down or anything. Just wanted to help if I could. It just sounded like something I experienced myself. You're right, I don't know you or have walked in your shoes. You don't have to believe or take any of my advice. I say all I have said without malice towards you and I do apologize if it read that way.
...and it's kind of a silly arguement, but I don't go there to hit on women...just talk to them

. I'm just saying you can't do that at home.