Originally Posted by 370Z Purist
As Chris mentioned before, taking the deer back with you is considered poaching... Living in Wisconsin for school, I asked a friend of mine what happens if he were to run over a deer.
Well, first, you call Fish and Game, who will either instruct you to shoot if if you're a hunter with a valid license, or they will shoot it themselves if the deer is still alive. At that point, various things happen, since you can technically only keep it if you've got a valid hunting license, but at the same time, only during the proper season and only if you've got a tag... the story was long and convoluted, and I'm sure any hunter will have a better idea, but long story short...
You can't keep the meat! TenderiZed as it is. Could go for a venison sausage for breakfast right now. 
Sometimes, the warden will be really cool and sell you a tag on the spot, as long as you are eligible to purchase a tag. they also started this new thing where testing for CWD. but honestly, whether I would take the deer or not depends on how it was hit. if the stomache was ruptured, thats going to be hell to clean and take the meat, in which case you can also choose to donate the carcass to a hunter's safety course to help teach little kids how to field dress a deer.
Must say, if you are ever in wisconsin, call the local sheriff before the game warden.

I've eaten roadkill before. hell, nothing really beats ~50 lbs of free meat.