Originally Posted by 4r3s
welcome back! where did you go?
Originally Posted by shadoquad
He went to Mordor. And it took a while, because

Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
That's awesome man! So how different does the car feel after the tune?
Awwww sh1t! Errbody hide yo kids, hide yo wife, birdman is back bitchezzzz!
How's the little one doing?
Originally Posted by RandyD
time for bertaut to come cruising 
Originally Posted by shadoquad
It's 3" long now...
Given what they were working with before the op, they consider it a major success.

You guys are killing me, I had a little one not long ago. I've been away in Indy, Quebec City, Montreal to show her to family and to get her adjusted to traveling, my @ss hates sitting around

I went to Modor for a shrinkage, it was too humm, you know, had to shrink it

long story short like Al said it's 3" long in hexadecimal base

. Now that I recovered and now that Troop car has had new suspension, def hide yo wife and I'm up for some modableeping cruises the week after next.
erps being spread around, you guys are too funny