Happy Father'z Day!!!
Haven't been around yesterday, it was frick'n busy yesterday, which is good because it's adding funds to the
alcheng modding foundation
Drove the Z these days, weather is very very nice

thus I can have the top down during both day and night.... also received quite some "

" from people...
Originally Posted by kenchan
Good morning, happy father's day to all you fathers out there!
Will check back later. I've not been logged in much the last 24hrs. Going to pull out my Z in an hr. Waiting for the roads to dry. 
Very glad to know the
Real Sony (Still Made In China) 
works well for the recording...
Happy Father'z Day to you and hope you had a great Z-run this morning!!
Originally Posted by onzedge
Originally Posted by GaleForce
Yep, look out I'm on fire now! 
Originally Posted by LunaZ
Hey guys!
Been working my a** off. I'm not even going to try to catch up on this week's posts!
Heading outside to wash the cars and start detailing the patio for today's father's day festivities. I have a bunch of dry-rubbed ribeyes hanging out in the beer fridge. It's gonna be a good day!
dry-rubbed ribeyes...
Originally Posted by Alchemy
Gmorning guys
A happy fathers day to all the proud parents out there 
Originally Posted by onzedge
Good morning and happy Father's Day to all who are Dads and to those still awaiting the paternity test results.
Mr.onzedge, Happy Father's Day!! Next year there'll be a double-father's day in the onzedge's family
Congrats Congrats!!!