Originally Posted by Wronka
I was going to go to the local auto store and pick up some new cleaning supplies. The only problem is there are so many to choose from. Can anyone provide a list of what they use to clean their car?
such as wax/wash, wheel cleaner, windows, lights, tire shine, interior, chrome polish etc
In my opinion ZAINO is the best wax in the market, but you need to keep in mind that prepping the car is just as important as the wax it self.
here is a list of what I've been using over the years.
ZAINO Z-5, ZFX, Z-6, Z-8
For all of the plastic: 303 Aerospace Protectant
Carpet: Adam's Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner
Windows in and out : Adam's Detail Spray
Leather: Z-10 Leather in a Bottle
Tires: 303 Aerospace Protectant
one more thing i would strongly recommend buying some grit guards.
I hope this helps.