Originally Posted by Dustin@Z1
Depending on what you are looking to get powder coated, Mike in the ATL would be my suggestion. There are alot of PC guys around, and alot of guys who claim that they can powder coat. Mike does excellent work.
Shipping would be your only added expense. He is very thorough with his work and will stand behind what he sends out. He is an active memeber here on the forums. Before you drop anything off with your PC guy, give him a shout. A second opinion never hurt anyone.
I want to powder coat my wheels which is a beat difficult yes because of the distance. But I am looking for different options so I can make the right decision. Like if I find or I can afford another wheels while mines are getting coated then that won't be a problem, if I can't then I still need to think on a different solution if for example Mike give me a good price, things like that.
Thanks by the way!