Originally Posted by ZMan8
i didn't say "anything", i said "much" as a person who looks at numbers/data for a living I can say numbers can be manipulated to show certain things and they should be taken with a grain of salt. For example I can say my z has 1000 hp (it doesn't) bigger number than most if not all on this forum, but if I have stock suspension, with stock exhaust, with stock wheels and tires and stock tranny that 1000hp number "doesn't mean much"
I get your analogy, but you can't say that numbers dont mean anything or wait "much", without numbers you techincally have no game....lol...no scores, no stats, which basically means you don't have player profiles, their career records, etc when they retire. to say numbers don't matter much is like saying in a game of who can get to the quarter mile the fastest that the clock doesnt really matter.
Bad use of words....anyways for your previous statement I say he is the KING not becasuse of a title remember that an NBA title is a TEAM effort not a one man effort there is no I in team. Therefore, how else do you rate an indvdual player? Well by his numbers, plain and simple, right now I say he is the KING because no other player right now is putting up the kind of numbers he is right now....oh but numbers dont matter much, so what does then?? his hairline??