Originally Posted by speedfreek
I dont think Lebron sucks. It is quite the opposite he is one of the best NBA players in the league, some will argue the best. The only problem is he seems to only choose when he wants to dominate a game. That is his flaw. His will to win. He never seems overly upset that he loses, just like last year in the finals he was complacent. He lacks the fire and drive of a winner which is what is ultimately robbing him of getting a championship. Or all that could be BS and the Thunder are just that good. I like to think its a combination of both.
Yes yes and yes, 45+ points a game?? Wat thats wilt chamberlain #s, hes now averaged 30+ a game, no other player is doing that, so he is the KING no matter what people say men lie women lie, #s DONT>