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Old 06-14-2012, 06:28 PM   #20 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
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Sorry it took a little while. Here is my throttle map. Credit however is given to wstar and I found this information in this thread:
Smooth Throttle for UpRev

You can copy this straight from here and paste it into a throttle table in UpRev:

8064 8101 81A0 82CC 83F1 8507 8718 88FC 8AB5 8C41 8D4F 8DA3 8DF3 8E44 8E8F 8ED8 
803E 80DE 8181 82B3 83DE 84F9 8712 88FC 8AB8 8C46 8D53 8DA6 8DF6 8E46 8E90 8ED8 
8018 80BC 8162 829A 83CB 84EB 870C 88FC 8ABC 8C4B 8D57 8DAA 8DF9 8E48 8E92 8ED8 
7FF2 8099 8142 8281 83B8 84DD 8706 88FC 8ABF 8C50 8D5B 8DAD 8DFC 8E4A 8E93 8ED8 
7FCB 8076 8122 8267 83A4 84CE 8700 88FC 8AC3 8C55 8D60 8DB1 8DFF 8E4C 8E94 8ED8 
7FA5 8053 8103 824E 8391 84C0 86FA 88FC 8AC7 8C59 8D64 8DB5 8E02 8E4E 8E95 8ED8 
7F7F 8031 80E4 8235 837D 84B2 86F4 88FC 8ACA 8C5E 8D68 8DB8 8E05 8E50 8E96 8ED8 
7F59 800E 80C5 821C 836A 84A3 86EE 88FC 8ACE 8C63 8D6C 8DBC 8E08 8E53 8E97 8ED8 
7F33 7FEC 80A6 8203 8357 8495 86E8 88FC 8AD1 8C68 8D70 8DBF 8E0B 8E55 8E98 8ED8 
7F0D 7FC9 8087 81EB 8344 8487 86E2 88FC 8AD5 8C6C 8D74 8DC3 8E0E 8E57 8E99 8ED8 
7EE6 7FA6 8067 81D1 8330 8478 86DC 88FC 8AD8 8C71 8D78 8DC6 8E11 8E59 8E9A 8ED8 
7EC0 7F83 8048 81B8 831D 846A 86D6 88FC 8ADC 8C76 8D7C 8DCA 8E13 8E5B 8E9C 8ED8 
7E9A 7F60 8029 819F 8309 845C 86D0 88FC 8AE0 8C7B 8D80 8DCE 8E16 8E5D 8E9D 8ED8 
7E64 7F2F 7FFC 817C 82EE 8448 86C8 88FC 8AE5 8C82 8D86 8DD3 8E1B 8E60 8E9E 8ED8 
7D47 7E2C 7F13 80C1 825D 83DD 869B 88FC 8AFF 8CA5 8DA5 8DED 8E30 8E6F 8EA7 8ED8
From the butt dyno it seems that the car has a whole lot more umph at lower speeds. There isnt a real jarring jump when you fully press the throttle as it comes on very smoothly. IMO its much better that the stock throttle settings.
2009 370z touring w/sports package
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