Originally Posted by Telephone
I come out of Old Navy to find these Asian guys parked behind me with their hood propped up. Of all the other empty spaces in the lot...they park here for some reason. As soon as they see me approaching, they drop the hood, pile back in their Civic, and leave. 
This is the kind of weird stuff that happens to me all the time. I think people are subconsciously attracted to the Z's hotness by something like a gravitational pull... they pull into the lot, something in the depths of their brains says, "Ohhh purrrrrrdy must be near," and they park and get out like nothing's up.
Then I come out of Target/the mall/Old Navy/whatever, and I feel like I need a chaperone to walk me to my car because there's some creep parked inches from my bumper and there's no other car around for miles.