Originally Posted by GaleForce
Yep. I agree 110%. That's exactly how I was raised, and how my own kid(s) is/will be raised.
I'm disgusted with how today's kids are. They lack respect for people and things, they have no manners, lazy, I could go on...  Heck, my Neighbours kid just got piss drunk (he's 18) and decided it would be ok to drive. No seat belt, high rate of speed, launched the car into a tree and was ejected from the car. Air lifted to a Toronto hospital. 4 days later he returns home with a concusion and broken arm and I see him drinking a beer with some friends in the back yard. There is no way in hell that would fly in my house! No frikn' way!
yep. i agree completely. it pisses me off. wow, your neighbor's kid didn't learn a thing, did he?

that's a good example of his parents missing the first 3yrs of bios programming. it's embeded in the kid's subcontious mind that he thinks he can get away with anything. too relaxed, no discipline. it's too late now for that kid. i truely believe fundamental personality, respect, values, all solidifies by age 3; everything builds on top of it.
i can almost see mini-gale teaching your neighbor's kid how to be a man when mini-gale is 5.
Originally Posted by GaleForce