Originally Posted by kenchan
ive been around to see datsuns. i still dont think datsun is derogatory. being called an oriental... that doesnt sound derogatory to me either cause that's wat i was long time ago before some asian decided it was offensive.
i dont need some tooth decaying brit who cant even make good tea tell me datsun is derogatory.
Not trying to derail but just wanted to say...
I'm latino, but I remember when I was a kid. My white childhood acquaintences, would always tell me, "I generally hate spics but you're ok". Then they would go down the list and discuss their feelings about all non-white races. I remember how they would say oriental. It wasn't the word. It was the way it was said... if I were asian and I was hearing other races single out asians and say oriental like its a disease? I would make a fight against it too... the oriental name was dropped in the 80's as well as many stereotypes.
That said, Oriental isn't a bad word in its true meaning. The orient is a sector of asia. And not all asians are the same. Saying oriental is a geopgraphic location vs a racial slur. But if people are going to conveniently change meanings. Then it was in the best interest of asians to not allow people to refer to them as orientals in order to break a stereotype.
As far as Datsun goes... Fu*k yeah dude. I think datsun is an awesome name. I don't think the Z will get the Datsun name though... I think, it will stay nissan and we will probably get a Datsun Silvia???

I'm in!