Originally Posted by Evil Sports
Along with some of the Keyboard cowboys on this site 
Mostly u,, LOL
My opinion about this whole this was from experience. I have UPREV, I got a sticker, I have been in the car business for a LONG time, 20+ years. Just something about the "Facts" don't add up read them yourself "Again" and if you cant see the holes, then you should be posting this, and carrying it ON, Here's a question have "YOU" Contacted UPREV and asked them? Have you contacted GTM and asked them, Hell Vince even posted in here" ONCE" ( Why you think only once), Have you tried reaching out to him,. Sounds like no.. I know neither one of them live in MA, But I'm sure they could shed some light on things for you,,, An just IMO you should be going through Kaizen anyway.
And to Seymore post, He's 100% nobody acted you or personal said anything and you challenging people so say things "Face to Face" REALLY?? See that's why he said you sound like a young "KID", Just because someone you think you can trust told you something and other people( Most of the people in this thread) Have a different opinion doesnt mean they are attacking you,
14 Q50 AWD, ARK, ECUTEK (SEB), Takda,