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Old 06-08-2012, 03:00 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2012
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agrabau is on a distinguished road

Hi Mike,

We don't have all the answers, if any. We don't know when it changed exactly. We thought initially that the MAC reference was random but it doesn't seem to be. A customer got back to us and he is connected to the process. He suggested it was an issue with the ROM ID. I don't care to speculate.

We aren't in the business of trying to trick or fool the system to make a few bucks so my (our) investigation has been out of curiosity only. I'd rather stop tuning street cars than get hit with some retarded fine when a customer fails, wants to sue us and then the state comes after us also.

Our decision to tell customers is based on lots of thought and long discussions with our lawyer. Note that on Cobb's Accessport boxes that they read something to the effect of "may not be road legal in your state" We don't want to become a vessel for people who want to pass inspection and skirt the rules. We encourage people to become involved in state politics, vote, call your local rep. The inspection in this state is always changing and is usually a scam so stay educated. Remember the dynos? Remember how the supplying company of the dynos had two sets of software it was selling?

If the customer is educated and wants to deal with inspection or wants to take their car on the track only then we're happy to do it.
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