Originally Posted by jpritche
Yeah, I don't see why they would complain about what time you came in as long as the work is finished on time. Thats something that has always bothered me. Why should it matter when you do the work, as long as you meet the deadline....however the employer never sees it that way.
Exactly my point. But yeah, employers never understand, which is why 1. I'm no longer in the military, which I can understand their rationalle, but instead of trying to help/work with me and put me somewhere where I can still serve on a different schedule, I get the ******* ******** who just wanted me out.
But I agree, if it's a job thats not time dependent, and all I'm doing is leg work and paper trail following and research, so what if I'm doing it all night and drop it off on the lawyers desk at 4am when I go home... He's got it when he goes in to court at 8 with time to review it...