Originally Posted by theDreamer
It will all come down to how many theaters they allow it to be released in.
I do believe it can beat it, because it is the end of the trilogy, Batman alone is a bigger name than just the Avengers overall (a lot of people don't even know who was on the Avenger team).
The Avengers did it right by dropping hints in several other movies over the years building interest. You're right, most non comic book people wouldn't really know who they were, then they see this big cast of stars and go see it just to find out
The Avengers are...
Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Yeah I definitely think it's possible. I for one am going to help in that effort by going to see it the first night it is released
I'm trying to find an IMAX theater close to here... Do you guys in MD know if there are any near Westminster that we all might wanna meet up at Opening night?