Originally Posted by 6spd
Im using a canon T2i with the kit lense. I really want a 50mm f/2.8 prime. The kit lense just doesnt get the desired DOF for either my car shots or my portraits. All of those shots, save 1, used whatever the largest aperture was for the zoom length.
Yeah, most kit lens only drop down to f/3.5@18mm or f/5.6 @ 55mm. think Canon sells a relatively inexpensive 50mm f/1.8 or 'normal' lens that's supposed to be pretty good. I want to say it's around $100-200. It get's tricky when shooting cars though, since you usually have to be pretty far back to get everything in the frame. Not a big deal if you're doing a shoot, but it's limiting when you're at a meet or car show.