Good Afternoon Everyone!!!!
Happy Monday!!!
An usual Monday here, work,


Originally Posted by kenchan
Good am guys!  I haven't signed in the last few days so not sure what went on.
I did motor my Z over the weekend and had a great time.
I also learned a very clean way to get audio from the cabin for my GoPro. Need separate recorder. 
Good Day Mr.kenchan, gosh you are safe...
I thought you got kidnapped by Fire's team of Ninja Raccoons...
Originally Posted by GaleForce
I was ready to send out the search party.
Sounds like a fun filled weekend. Motoring and tech 
Originally Posted by onzedge
Off topic: We were walking our 2 Pomeranians and Opie, our Bichon, yesterday afternoon around our neighborhood. Out from a backyard came a Golden Retriever at full speed. I thought not too much about it until his last 10 feet of sprinting when I realized that he was not coming out just to say hello.
He frigging grabbed Opie in a flash and proceeded to try to kill him. I got down on my knees and started to pound the crap out of him, with Mrs. Dr, onzedge kicking the crap out of him. The owner was right behind and started whaling on him to, all the while Opie is screaming at the top of his lungs.
We got him off and took him home where my wife administered first aid to Opie and me. Opie then went to the vet for stiches, x-ray and an overnight stay. He has some nice puncture wounds and a few broken teeth with a fractured jaw. I have some nice bites on my left hand and serious road rash on my knees. I think Opie will be all right, but Jeesh, it happened in a flash.
The owner was simply walking his dog from the back of his house to the front door and feels terrible and is paying all of the bills.
No more walking without one of my Glocks, I swear.
Anyway, hug your dogs today.
Mr.onzedge, such terrified incident, I hope Opie will recover quickly and same as you!!
Looks like you might need some Ninja Raccoons from Fire.....
Originally Posted by Bucketlist2012
Hey now, I resemble that remark... 
And don't get me going.
I have to moderate myself, so that I don't get banned, ignored, and shunned by society...
Any worse than I already am...................... 
Mr.Bucketlist2012, you are thousands miles away from getting banned or ignored or whatever bad thing could happen to you.....