Originally Posted by 6spd
True. Being focused on other issues at the time, I missed some of the more fine details. In time though. And thank you!
Yeah, I really wish I wasnt limited by the stock lens. I dont like to do background blur myself either so I think ill have this issue for a while until I can get a more capable lens. Im still debating which would be my best choice for this type of photography.
For portraits, it's better to go with a 50mm or higher to avoid unflattering distortion. If you've ever seen them do portraits, it's usually with a long lens with the photographer about 8-10 feet away. Faster lenses with large apertures obviously make it easier, but tele lenses with constant large apertures are usually pricey. DOF and bokeh can also be achieved by controlling the distances between the subject and what you want blurred. I've used this
calculator in the past to give me a general idea. You can also do the blur in post, but its better to do it with the lens.