Originally Posted by UchinanchuZee
Good feedback. But aside for home use, and DIY projects, I'm talking about preventative tow truck damage! The jack points obviously are going to be an issue when you are stuck on the side of the road. With the relative small size of the scissor jack in most cars, I would think there was a mini low profile jack on the market. If I need to get my inner "as seen on tv" on, then I will. But it only seems logical that this would have been done YEARS ago....you know?
Hm, I presume you're talking about a situation where you would need to lift the car to allow the tow truck trailer arm to reach your rear wheels, so it can dinghy tow the car? Unless you are touching the ground with your coilovers, I don't think it would be too much of an issue.
Concerning towing it up onto a bed of a tow truck, that is a different story. You better hope the truck has some long pieces of wood!