Originally Posted by heebus
She is one of my subordinates. I told her the way she parks reflects poorly on our department. She tried to argue that she had to stay within the 2nd line and that she can get in and out without hitting the other car. She may or may not have left our office crying.
See what they say...there may be no law that they can recite that gets you in trouble.
She just may have a thin skin, but running to "mommy' , is probably something she has done all her life..
Oh and it is NOT gender specific.I have seen some "Milk Toast " guys, that always ran to the boss..
Thank God, I am retired early , and do not have to deal with the Politics of the work place..Especially now in this Politically correct Day and age.
I am as far from politically correct as it gets..
Kind of a Knuckle dragger, but that is just me...