Originally Posted by Forrest
every thing i read and i could be wrong but Meguire's NXT and Turtle Wax ICE wash off in a week and probably melt off my black car first day in the sun.
As for zaino, the stuff lasts quite a while. I allways use Z6 spray after a wash, and my stuffs marble smooth for months. It also doesnt melt off my black car.
so for value over money i think your arguement is flawed. 3 months vs 1 week you figure out which one is more work.
You use just Z6? I washed my car the other day, and I'm nervous about putting anything on it, because it's NOT Zaino...the detailers I used don't like Zaino, so it's got whatever stuff they used (I think Griot's?)
Last thing I want is for it to puddle up / get spotty....I'll probably strip the wax off this fall, and start building layers up over the winter, when I won't be driving it and can take my time.