Originally Posted by modme
Do you plan to crash your car? If not, then you dont need car insurance.
Negative, it's the law in my communist state.
Originally Posted by modme
Do you plan to get sick and need surgery? If not, then you dont need health insurance.
Negative, heath insurance keeps you heathly by allowing affoardable check ups & if the health care bill does not get overturned, it will illegal not to have it.
Originally Posted by modme
Do you plan to get a girl pregnant? If not, then you dont need a condom.
Negative, not needed no girl friend & the wife & I have been unable to have kids. Thanks for looking out though.
Originally Posted by modme
I hope I made my point clear. Sh*t happens.  .
Not really, but thank you for trying.
Originally Posted by modme
To answer the OP's question, you need to figure out the diameter of the intake and get the appropriate bypass size. Then you would need to cut the pipe in half at the highest point and place the valve in between.
Finally something we can agree upon.
the point I was trying to make is I just see a lot of people worrying about a none issue. I would bet few here have seen a vehicle truly hydro-lock, (yes I have & have recovered after fording a river) But if in the end it gives you a warm fuzzy, by all means do it.