Originally Posted by Philipp
Also, hitting the rev-limiter is "NORMAL" when downshifting under braking before entering a tight corner/apex. This driving habit may also due to my rotary engine history where the power band was at high (very high) RPM levels.
It's not "Normal" unless you're downshifting too soon. Scrub off some speed with the brakes so your downshifts fall into the RPM range that the engine is happy with. Forcing an over-rev with gearing is a classic reason for Valve damage on the track. You could get away with it on the rotary because there are no valves to float. Downshifting, Wheel hopping and over-reving does not sound smooth at all. You can probably better your times if you get smoother... That, and you don't even want to know what it will cost to replace bent valves on a VVEL motor..