Originally Posted by kdo2milger
you do realize you can purchase 370z's on the bay...its not like its all bad...
granted there are some crooks out there looking to scam ebayers, but for the most part its where ive found the best deals on both name brand items as well as no name brands...which for all intents and purposes, come from the same factories in China that produce the bulk of materials made and shipped from china...
and if i can save 175 bucks off a "name brand" shifter then hell ya im gonna buy it...thats 175 bones i can use for another mod 
For the most part I agree, but you have to be selective... There is some pretty good stuff coming out of the Far East for not a lot of money. Some junk too. The Chinese are masters at cloning stuff... The Boxster shifter I bought for well less than 1/2 the cost of a B&M was really excellent, both in finish and operation...you would be hard pressed to tell the difference between them..