Always Wilmington I think.....
2012 Schedule
The Ohio Mile
Located at Airborne Park, southeast side of the town of Wilmington, Ohio just off Interstate 71 midway between Cincinnati and Columbus.
Track entrance is off of Airborne Road. An address to use for your GPS is 2870 Old State Road 73. This is a business across the street from the entrance of the track.
April 28-29 Hot Rod Magazine Top Speed Challenge
June 2-3 (Sponsor to be announced)
July 7-8 (Sponsor to be announced)
Sept 29-30 Throttle Nation Top Speed Challendge
$10 a day or $15 for the weekend. Be sure to bring your lawn chairs. We use CB channel 1 For speed broadcasts.
Cars and Bikes compete at all events.
Event Fuel: All competitors must run event fuel. We will be using Rocket Brand Fuel.
100 Octane Unleaded
111 Octane
118 Octane
The Hot Rod Magazine Top Speed Challenge will be held at the April meet. For detail on past years' rules, look here. Note that the current rules for the HRM Challenge have not been announced, so check Hot Rod Magazine's upcoming issues or check back here for more detail when the rules are announced.
The Motorcycle Top Speed Shootout will be held at the September meet. For details, look here
Gates open at 8:00AM
8:00 AM until 6:00 PM Track setup (welcome any who want to volunteer)
10:00 AM until 4:00 PM Registration
Noon until 4:00 PM Vehicle inspections (on a limited basis as inspectors are available)
4:30 PM Rookie Orientation *
Gates close at 6:00PM
Gates open at 6:00AM
8:00 AM Registration Vehicle inspections
8:30 AM Drivers Meeting
9:00 AM First vehicle on course
11:30 AM Lunch Break
11:30 AM Rookie Orientation *
12:00 PM Resume Racing
6:00 PM - End Saturday Racing
Gates close at 8:00PM
Gates close at 6:00PM
8:00 AM until 4:00 PM Racing
Gates close at 6:00PM
Finally Able To Order 2012 Model 8/24/2011
Delivered Tuesday November 15, 9:57 am!!!
2012, Auto, White, Sport, Kick Plates