^^^ I thought you guys were losing power/reading overly rich on v1? The diameter change is obviously going to change the airflow velocity but if you have v1 at OEM diameter, at worst it should neither gain nor lose if everything is being interpolated correctly by the ECU.
Where it samples makes a big difference -- the location you have may work well in terms of fluid dynamics, but if the voltage it reads at a given load is different relative to the ECU MAF mapping the end result is that tuning will be needed with both no matter what diameter piping is used.
So, to clarify -- by "misreads" I don't read random spikes in voltage due to airflow tumble, I mean that its getting a voltage reading that doesn't match how the ECU injector tables are mapped, thus tuning will be required even using the same diameter pipe if the MAF sensors are sampling in different locations or orientations.
Enjoy it. Destroy it.
Last edited by Jordo!; 05-29-2012 at 11:08 PM.