Originally Posted by Pauly
i know the desktop runs windows xp. i couldnt find how much ram it had, but had plenty of harddrive space. speed was sufficient if i remember right. i have a dell laptop running windows 7, but i think it lacked harddrive space? ill post when i get home. i think the desktop is my best chance. the mac is the oldest of the three, at about 4 years old.
Sounds like your best bet is going to be clearing off some stuff from the Win 7 machine so you have the space. Uninstall some programs, move media to a different computer/external HD, clear out your temp files, can all potentially free up space. If you have a bunch of media, considering upgrading your HD.
I recently cleaned up a workstation with over 6 GB of data just in the recycle bin with another 8 GB in the temp files that had accumulated over 1 month which I know because a script clears it out every 30 days. Yes sir, that is the reason that your 80 GB SSD is telling you that it's full and performing slower.