Originally Posted by Pauly
i think twin turbonet is right. im confused lol. also there are three comps im trying it on, and it was different issues with each one. im gonna post all three with stats when i get home after four. thanks for answers guys.
I installed it on an Athlon XP running a single core at 1.5 GHz with 2 GB of RAM on Win XP. The only problem I had was the integrated motherboard video - slapped in an old 8800GT and it had no problems running (on low settings of course, but this isn't my gaming machine - just a back up). I would hate to think you're running something older that this.
I suspect twin is right as well, in that you need to upgrade to DirectX 9.0c. But I am interested to see the specs on those computers and hear exactly what errors you experienced in more detail. I have not used the DVD to install a single copy, so my first suggestion would be Zaggeron's: try the D3 game client install from your battle.net account under game management.