Originally Posted by Super Tanooki
I know I'm digging up an old thread but since, you know, "search the forum first..."
Thanks a lot ZForce and Dustin@Z1 for the info RE: post-OC temp readings. I used to feel a HUGE drop in power at about 225* (anyone else notice this?) before I got the OC. The OC install dropped my average temps LOADS....

No problem sir!
Originally Posted by Super Tanooki
Oh, on a side note, has anyone noticed turning on their AC ironically brings engine temps down about 10*? It's pretty consistent. I'm in Vegas, and I'd usually just bear the heat, but I actually HAVE to turn on AC just to kick in the fans to help cool my engine when it's lagging like hell.
The drop in temp may be because the Aux fans kick may automatically kick on when the A/C is cycled on. I have honestly never paid any attenion to the 370Z and how this behaves. But I know most old school vehicles did this.