Originally Posted by sloboi
We don't need any white knights in here trying to make us feel bad for being frustrated with Jamaica's customer service. It is what it is. Based on the information we had, I don't think we were wrong to have felt the way we felt.
Now that we know what's going on, I'm sure we'll be a lot more understanding, but don't tell me I had not reason to be upset in the first place.
Let's move on without playing the blame-game.
There's always the couple guys that gotta play "holier than thou" after the fact. On a personal level. The news is heartbreaking and gives some understanding to what we were dealing with.
But without that info... the situation was plain fubar and getting out of hand. It is what it is... I feel for Jamaica's sitution deeply, especially having had life threatening issues myself. But on this business issue. It was what it was till we had the info.
And its not like we had one bad experience and erupted. This issue was flowing over a couple of threads for months so it built up.