If you have a 2012 NISMO with the same problem...
Just send an email to nnaconsumeraffairs@nissan-usa.com.
Make the subject title exactly like this:
Your inquiry to Nissan [ ref:_00DA09j8L._500F0A6VUe:ref ]
Address it to:
Keian Anonueveo (who I was in communication with)
In the body of your message indicate that you are aware of case#7812809, and have the same problem. Include a photo of your 13 numbered NISMO plate and they will send you the 12 numbered plate. You get to keep both as a souveneir I guess... I guess its not a big deal, but I figured if you got the NISMO you'd want the NISMO plate to match correctly. I guess this would be the baseball error card equivalent, don't think its going to make it worth more unfortunately. I wish!
Do any mods or any other members feel this deserves rep power? Or is that type of thing reserved for some real groundbreaking work?
Last edited by NISMO370BC; 05-25-2012 at 11:42 AM.