Originally Posted by Red__Zed
I really have never understood the way some people behave on that road. I guess it is just a pride thing.
I know that if there was ever a car that caught up with me on that road while I was on my bike, I'd be on the side of the road faster than you can blink. I have no interest in having a car behind me while on a bike, and I love to have them in front of me running interference 
I had just the opposite happen on Sunday while on the Dragon. A fat a$$ on a Harley was on my butt for a while yelling at me to pull over. I was trying to oblige

, but there aren't too many places to pull over. A couple of times I slowed down in the curves just to pi$$ him off

. I finally had the opportunity to move over and he was able to pass me. When he passed, he did say "thank you" and was gone (scrapping the pegs the whole time). What a maroon
