Originally Posted by kenchan
wait, you work at a chinese assembly plant or something? wtf, you came to work at 10am, been working for like 3yrs and yet still you got 9hours? 
What?? Mr.kenchan, a Chinese assembly plant usually have the shift starts at 8am and the workers work their A$$ off for felt like 15 years and it's only 9:30am..... I think the one you saw was actually Japanese or Korean...
Originally Posted by GaleForce
To celebrate the end of the extreme detailing, I cracked a cold one. Mr.kenchan should approve of this... I took a crappy iPhone pic just for him
photo by J M Gale, on Flickr
Nice Job Mr.GaleForce!!!!
Now, do you dare to drive your car on the street and start collecting dust???
Originally Posted by kenchan
uh oh... i hate when i drive up to mcD's and ask for a whopper and they dont know wtf im talking about. 
Mr.kenchan, you'll be even more like "WTF" if the McD's really give you a whopper and onion rings.....

Originally Posted by kenchan
damn i hate stores that i ask for a discount and they suddenly speak in chinese or something that i can't understand. 
Mr.kenchan, yes, that's exactly what I'll do when my customers ask for a discount, and I'll start speaking Cantonese to my workers, even my workers doesn't speaker Cantonese either.... usually I'll say "WTF WTF so cheap so cheap WTF......" LOL LOL

Originally Posted by kenchan
hey my roadster2 came in.  paired and ready to use... cant wait to try it out this evening on the way home.
it has voice recognition so i can make people do things just by saying something at it, right?

Have fun!!
Originally Posted by Alchemy
 there is a lot of gheyness exuded from a large portion of this forums members. Most can be found in the premium section. Ken must be the straightest one here since he refuses to go premium
POST # 4K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr.Alchemy, Congrats for your 4k!!!!
Originally Posted by shadoquad
post-MAF tubes are fun. 
Searching for one is fun, buying it is fun, putting it on is fun, look at it is fun, drive with it is fun.... yes, it's fun... hehehee
Originally Posted by happytheman
 Sorry, no speak engrish. 
Maybe Ms.Pintsize725 didn't know she had actually called the factory in China.
Hello Everyone!!!!! Today I broke a record myself, power read almost 20 pages of posts!!!! Holy molly, the topic is just keeps changing and I can't keep up.... I am still digesting the part about how gorgeous Mr.shadoquad is but I think I don't need to get into too much of the details.
Work has been busy today and I can't sit down and read anything until now the store is closed, but I am rushing to the tennis court now and have 4 racquets to string tonight, yes, making up my mod-funds, LOL.