Originally Posted by Alchemy
UGH, arent we about the same age?? I feel duummbbb  I knew if I looked at it for a sec I woulda figured it out. Instead I went the newb route and asked 
I got a few years on you, still under forty though
Originally Posted by kenchan
 nice. yah, photography is fun. i should pull out my nikon-something and take some snaps. 
Originally Posted by Alchemy
Yeah Ken, do it! You were fired up on photography for a sec but then I guess you got lost in your music room 
You know, most of my photos are done with my iPhone now because it's always with me. Mini GaleForce does some silly/cute stuff all the time so I pull the phone out and snap. I also have a Nikon J1 for light weight travel. It's a nice little camera I should use it more. The 7D is used for documenting any work I do on the Z, major family events, or just derping around when I have time.
Get your Nikon something-or-other camera out and snap some shots of your instruments. I do that with my guitars occasionally, they are like family members to me.... Is that weird? lol