Originally Posted by m4a1mustang
We need to replace my fiancée's car sometime in the next year or so. Well, we don't need to, but she wants to. Choices are 370 NISMO or Audi TTS. We will see!
Though you know you are gonna wanna mod it so why not save $$ with a sport or base
Dont mean to anger Nismo owners but Im glad I didnt get one with all the work Ive done, woulda been a waste. Thing is I ordered my car before the Nismo was available. If it was at the time thats what I would have bought, and prob regreted. If you dont plan on modding, since its your fiancees, Id say the Nismo is a good choice then
I actually kinda wish that I bought a base OR a 350 instead of my car. Just cause I woulda gotten more outta it. Im about $55k-ish into my car, cash. If I woulda bought a slightly used 350 like I originally planned I woulda had 30-35k for mods

Wouldnt have even needed anywhere near that to turn it into a monster. Shoulda, woulda, coulda right

Im real happy with my car though and you will have to pry my keys from my cold dead hand. I dont think I could ever sell it. She is here to stay. Next project is gonna be a WRX for the winter, THOUGH I really wanna do a 240 or 260 project. Like real bad. Too bad I need a snow capable car. Still might let want defeat reason with my next car purchase

After ZDAYZ I want that 240/60 more than ever.