dang, got yanked into a meeting...

now back.
Originally Posted by GaleForce
One wheelwell left to clean.
Hopefully UPS dude shows up soon, but I doubt it. They changed his route around, now he shows up around 6pm.
hope the UPS dude shows up soon!
Originally Posted by m4a1mustang
It will settle down by mid July hopefully. Just hoping I get the bonus I expect so we can drop it on a NISMO.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
why you want to get raped by work then raped again by getting a glorified aero bits nismo?
Originally Posted by Alchemy
Wait, WHAT!??!? Near death experience in the Stang has you re-evaluating your car STABLE (no pun intended) 

wahahaha!! Zing! (pun intended)
Originally Posted by bbigby64
Yes, that's usually the case. I was approaching an intersection, and a woman was waiting to enter while I had the right of way. At the last minute while I was approaching her, she pulls out in front of me to make a left turn! I had to hit my brake to slow down before hitting her in the side.
Then, there's the other extreme. Woman sits at an intersection while waiting for a safe opportunity to proceed. Plenty of opportunities appear, but she's too timid to proceed between a reasonably safe gap between any two cars. Consequently, she just sits there, waiting until the point where there're no cars in sight before proceeding.  This is not an old woman by the way. I always check. I give our older sisters and brothers a break. Then again, better safe than sorry. 
then there's this incident where two middle aged women crashed into each other in a parking lot.

yah, that was my wife that got hit by some crazy woman backing out like bucketlist running for the toliet.
Originally Posted by GaleForce
To celebrate the end of the extreme detailing, I cracked a cold one. Mr.kenchan should approve of this... I took a crappy iPhone pic just for him
photo by J M Gale, on Flickr

look at that trophy dietpepsi too!

NJ, mr.gale!
Originally Posted by m4a1mustang
We need to replace my fiancée's car sometime in the next year or so. Well, we don't need to, but she wants to. Choices are 370 NISMO or Audi TTS. We will see!
how about invest in a house?

(disclaimer: im just kidding, no need for bitch slap again)