Originally Posted by crazyyankfan
I don't think he was backing into a spot. Instead, if you look at the left side of the photo (where there are parking spots), it might appear this driver was backing out of a spot, but apparently, he/she had some problem controlling the throttle and clutch. Perhaps the driver was trying to show off, and it back fired.
LOL what??? I see that now but I still don't see how anyone would feel the need to floor it out of a spot like that. Just... wow. I was thinking he was trying to back in and missed the angle by a mile.
Originally Posted by Zenki370
Not a parking incident on my part but... I always park in the last spot on the curb at the end of the lot in any car Ive owned. I park my passenger side as close as I can to the curb when there is no passenger. I came out to this the other day. I had to move the cart to even get in my car.
Sheesh. I'd have been fuming mad. The things people do... And look how close that red car is to the line. You got burned twice here.
Originally Posted by 4r3s
Haha I think we can get away with saying real z drivers don't drive onto (into?) parking lot islands
Yeah, because when we need to jump parking lot islands we think ahead and put up ramps.