Originally Posted by kenchan
bonzo- thought you were going to ask mr.alcheng's prize back or something. lol
nice work on the dynamat and boot!
Naw, just thought I'd post my mods to this thread. No point in making a whole new thread when all my mods can be found somewhere else. Nobody really gives a crap about all my little mods in 2012. But ya never know; some new person may see them here and it may help them out. Like the other thread about my matte radio trim sparked 2 people to ask about the garage door opener DIY. I've gotten lots of help here so I thought I'd just do what I can.
Maybe a Mod can just change the name of this thread to Old Bonzo Contest & Now Journal ???
And what, only a compliment on the mat and boot? What about that awesome mod on the parking brake?????? Of course you'll need to go back a page to see those. Can you handle that???
Cheers ---- Bonzo
Finally Able To Order 2012 Model 8/24/2011
Delivered Tuesday November 15, 9:57 am!!!
2012, Auto, White, Sport, Kick Plates
Last edited by Bonzo; 05-21-2012 at 12:26 PM.