Spacers list
Hello Gentlemen,
Thank you so much for waiting patiently. Good News, We should be finished with manufacturing and ready to start shipping mid next week. We have been gathering a list of those waiting on the spacers and will email everyone as soon as they are ready to ship out. If you would like to be on our list to notify, please either PM or email me the following information:
Name or Screen Name:
Email address:
Type and quantity of spacers wanted: 20mm or 25mm or combination of both
Set = 4 spacers
Pair = 2 spacers
Our current list as of today:
BlackZ85 (20mm spacers) 1 set of 4
James - Alstann (20mm spacers) 1 set of 4
Jeremy - FairLadyZee (20mm and 25mm spacers) 1 pair each - 4 spacers total
Yige - redline727 (20mm and 25mm spacers) 1 pair each - 4 spacers total
Dark Sarcasm (20mm spacers) 1 set of 4
Simon6413 (20mm and 25mm spacers) 1 pair each - 4 spacers total
Oscar Saca (20mm and 25mm spacers) 1 pair each - 4 spacers total
Carlos Quesada (20mm and 25mm spacers) 1 pair each - 4 spacers total
bluestai (?)
johnny_domino (?)
Louis Negri (?)
Nick (?)
Need Email Addressed for:
MyKindaGuise (20mm spacers) 1 set of 4
ts-c63 (20mm and 25mm spacers) 1 pair each - 4 spacers total
Zoren 370 (20mm and 25mm spacers) 1 pair each - 4 spacers total
Vbp6US (20mm and 25mm spacers) 1 pair each - 4 spacers total
tibal (25mm) 1 pair
Charles Park
POWERTRIX Performance & Styling
858-566-5060 /