Originally Posted by Mannysrt8
Just wanted to update this thread,so i finally recieved my trim restorer from Poorboy,i have not even opened the box....i swung by a local shop that does detailing and some minor body work this morning as i want to take care of some imperfections in my paint...the guy grabbed a rag and paint thinner..yes paint thinner...wiped the piece in question a few times and it went back to the original color when you buy the car...i was shocked,i was thinking this might be just temporary but its not,.....anyone try this?
I've seen that before with certain plastics. There's a good chance that after the oils evaporate it will return to grey or get chalky - depends on the plastic. Detailer's do it becasue it's quick, cheap and easy and will make it look good for a while. YMMV.
And an edit to my original post: Bondo's version is Restore Black.