Originally Posted by fuzzywuzzy
Actually the local tint shop charges 125 to install it. I have had stone chips and cuts in it before and they charged 40 to take it completely off.
p.s. $500 to $800 to install??? Really??? You need to come up with better more articulated attempts at insult lines kid 
This local tint shop, where? I'd like to call them, and find out if they
really install it for $125, not saying that I dont believe you, but I'd like to find out, because that sounds like a good deal, but wait I might be falling into my pennywise and pound foolish state of mind, as you put it...

And when I said, have fun
getting it done for $600 to $800, that meant the entire job, focus on
getting it done.

Just wanted to clarify that for you.
No insults here.